An everyday jug is Rilke's idea... the poem on the whole is verbose or maybe self indulgent like its title ("I Am Much Too Alone in This World, Yet Not Alone") but it's also about things being just as they are, no more, no less.

Most people i meet are little jugs, little containers of the pieces and words and woes that make them up. And most objects could also be jugs if you wanted them to, the same way there are teapots and piggy banks and boxes shaped like all sorts of things. I didn't realize until later that if you google "jugs", you get pictures of bare-chested women.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mammalian cards for friends, lovers, literary critics, kidney donors,et al

For a noble kidney donor who happens to have the impeccable posture of a meerkat.

For a person I like. A lot. And don't like to share with other people.

For an F. Scott Fitzgerald fan on his birthday: Gatsby shar pei.

In mutual appreciation of the essay by Isaiah Berlin about Tolstoy, and the mammalian counterparts of the critique.

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